Sunday, December 28, 2008


Episode 8 is up here and on our switchpod feed, but is not showing up in iTunes land. I think it is likely due to the mad jealous leet hackers that troll our blog. Leave us alone sweet computer nerd hack0rz.

Episode 8 - Now I Have a Machinegun Holiday Special

Large group this week and all inputs on the mixer are plugged in. We risk our lives to exchange gifts, read listener mail and recount our plans for podcast glory!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Episode 7 - No Woman In Sight

Just the 4 guys hanging out. Almost the shortest episode yet...(1st one was 5 seconds shorter)

Episode 6 - The Carpet Matches the Curtains

Julie G is our guest this episode, complete with her wonderful jingles. We read our first listener mail, translate French and talk about Derek and Zane's recent dates. Theme song by Jordan O' Jordan.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Holy crap on a pita, have I got some good news. No, eighties supergroup STYX isn't playing our Christmas party (Jono, you handsome fucking asshole) but MTV's Human Giant is getting a second season after the first season set a new Neilson Rating record for futility. Anyway, if you've ever wondered about the perils of owning the Ark of the Covenant or what it would be like if your best friend time traveled and got raped by a dinosaur, this is the show for you. I've embedded a video here. It's much better than our stuff. Watch this first.

Will Arnett - Human Giant SEX TAPE by Will Arnett

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Episode 5 - The Levels Are Gravy

Zane, Zack, Craig, Derek and Chad celebrate their 5th episode. New sound equipment makes our Luther's Voice Gravy shine. We also get our asses handed to us in Mario Kart by Jasmine.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sweet Sweet Fan Art

Thanks Jas. Jaz? Jas. Not sure. S or Z? Or some other weird amalgam of consonants I didn't consider?

Anyway, here it is!

Thanks again to our friend Jasmine at Sakura Rain.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Episode 4 - Mortal Podkast

Zack, Derek, Zane and Craig eat chocolate, play Mortal Kombat 3 on SNES and attempt to jmpstart whatever topic of conversation they can think of.

Monday, December 8, 2008

New Post on the Way...

In the meantime, check out our new web banner! Take it; post it on your website; kiss it on the forehead; give us free advertising. So easy.